Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Busy, busy, busy

I don't think I've ever been this busy in my life. In high school I was the student body president and thought that job was intensive, but now I'm actually having to limit myself on my activities so I don't have a nervous breakdown.

I'm the kind of person that almost never says no to an opportunity to either help someone or to help me grow as a person. Although it's been hard, I've had to say no to opportunities in college, and that's been a difficult adjustment for me.

I think I had this idea coming into college that I needed to do as much as possible as not to miss anything. I'm beginning to see that maybe focusing one a few things that I really love is the best way to go. By limiting myself, I've been able to throw myself into everything I do and have been able to gain a lot of experience this year.

This summer I'll be interning at the Charleston Area Medical Center in the Marketing and Public Affairs department. I'm thrilled to work on one project instead of three or four and I hope my devotion to this internship will show through my work.

Meanwhile, I'm crossing my fingers for warm weather and a great end to sophomore year!

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